Thursday 22 September 2016

Recorder with Mrs Gribble

We were the lucky class that learnt to play the recorder during music. We sound pretty good don't you think?!

Ag Day 2016

It was pretty cute to see you all with your animals on Ag Day. Well done to those who cared for and trained for a goat, calf or lamb! Also well done to those who successfully grew a spud!

See some of this cuteness in this video made by Grace and Sarah

Saturday 17 September 2016

Art/ Te Reo

During Te Reo we have been learning to ask and answer about mokai (pets) and kararehi (animals). 

He aha tenei kararehe?
(What animal is this?)

He _____ tenei karahehe.
(This animal is a _____.)

Thursday 15 September 2016

Interschool Cross Country

Thankfully, the rain held out for cross country this afternoon and boy were there were some awesome runners!
How many of you managed to push on to the top of that big hill without stopping?! 

Book Fair

After weeks of hard work, it was pretty exciting to see our Book Fair displays come together! Well done to those who received commended or highly commended ribbons for your effort! 
Ka pai to mahi Kahikatea! 

 Reading and peer assessing one another's work!

Thursday 8 September 2016

Book Character Day

Great effort Kahikatea! Your costumes all looked fantastical! We had Book Character day as part of our book week to not only celebrate the wonderful world of books, but  also to fundraise for our sponsor children Navin, from Cambodia and Michael and Tanzania. Who can you spot in our class picture? 

Visit from Dawn McMillan

We were lucky to have a visit from a wonderful NZ author, Dawn McMillan. She has written fun books such as Why do Dog's Sniff Bottoms? and Woolly Wally and more serious books such as Holy Socks and The Harmonica
Dawn read to us, answered our many questions and shared some extremely useful tips for writing. 
Comment below with the helpful tips you remember!