Monday 22 May 2017

Transparent Eggs

Our Science Question:
What happens when you leave an egg in vinegar or water? 

I think the egg might start to crack and maybe explode in front of us in the vinegar- Cruz
I think the egg might crack because of the pressure in the vinegar- Jack H
I think the egg would have bubbles on it while in the vinegar and maybe crack- Indie
I think the yolk will turn whiter and go soggy in the vinegar- Daniel 
I think the egg shell will go soft so you can peel it off, and the egg might go bouncy- Jaxon 

We are going to leave it over night, so we will have to wait and see! In the mean time, does anyone know what TRANSPARENT means?? ;) 

Watch this space to see what really happens to the eggs!


  1. transperant means clear

  2. Awesome science experiment. It was really fun looking and seeing what would happen.

  3. It was really interesting seeing the egg in vinegar go see through when we touched it. it's a stunning science experiment.

  4. It didn't go as transparent as I thought

  5. Amazing work Room 7. I've heard a lot about bacon, It sound really fun.
    I remember when I was in this class.
    Hope you guys have an amazing year with Mrs Rangitaawa.
