Tuesday 24 May 2016

Elgregoe Magician

Elgregoe Show 
We had special visit from Elgregoe the Magician. He shared with us some amazing magic tricks that left us all feeling really puzzled. He made a bunny appear from a box of money, made fire turn in to bird, and we even saw the illusion of him being elevated! He also had lots of beautiful birds, a Tom the Cheeter (a puppet!) and other neat things to share with us. 
Aside from the incredible tricks he shared with us, he also had a very important message- to treat others how we want to be treated, and to show respect to others and to be a kind and tolerant friend. It was fantastic to hear these messages again, as this is the same as all things we have been talking about in class!

What was your favorite trick?
What is one of the messages that really stuck with you?


  1. he is the most powerful magission i have ever seen

  2. That was amazing show

  3. amazing what a magic show I still don't know how Elgregoe did some of those tricks from Sophie.

  4. Wow Elgregoe and sue where so amazing I was laughing so hard
    when he did his jokes

  5. Elgregoe was pretty amazing. i can't believe he did that amazing stuff like when he got elevated by his assistant sue. although he did share some great messages about showing values and not bullying each other. I laughed so hard at his illusions.

  6. that was very funny and awsome

  7. it was the coolest show ever Ben

  8. all of the bird tricks where amazing

  9. the best show ever .it was amazing.
