Monday 14 December 2015

Last Day 2015!

It was our last day of school today and we went out with a bang. 
 It was a neat year and I am lucky to have spent it with such cool (crazy) kids like you lot. 
Some of you wanted a copy of these photos from today, so hopefully you can save these from here- any troubles email me and I can send them through to you :) 
Thank you all so much for the gifts and cards etc. I have been super spoilt and I have lots of chocolate to enjoy over the holidays! I have so much that I will definitely need to get my running shoes on too! :)


  1. I miss u miss Dagg 😒

  2. To Miss Dagg
    The best thing to hold onto is each other and hold our friendship as tight as 1000 people squeezing into a tiny elevator

  3. that looks fun miss dagg

  4. Silly Xavier & Robbie move because were coming in (: /:

  5. Good to look back on it now πŸ˜€!

  6. Good to look back on it now πŸ˜€!

    1. Hi Zach! Thanks for dropping by! We still think about you and hope that all is going well for you at you at your new school :) I would love to hear all about it :)
