Wednesday 2 December 2015

Kai Time!

It was neat to see you all becoming more confident in speaking Te Reo during our shared lunch today. 

Keep practising at home and if you're up for a challenge, maybe you could even teach your whanau!

Q: He aha mahau? (What would you like?)

A: Homai he _______ maku. (Please give me a ______ )

Question: He aha te kai pai ki a koe?? ( What is your favourite food?)
Comment below with your answer in TE REO! (He ______ )


  1. yesterday was really fun, I had 3 fruit kebabs filled with apples and grapes.

  2. Great work room 8 and thx (=

  3. Awesome!!! I had an amazing time learning Te Reo I also really appreciate all the food thank you Mr Mac. wonderful!!!!

  4. that was the best lunch ever thank you so much teachers and it was so tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Homai he Rare maku
    I think every one liked the lunch, my favourite thing was the kebabs I even had 4ths
